Stroopwafelgeschenk "Rotterdam"

Op zoek naar een typisch Rotterdams geschenk blikje met stroopwafels? Wij combineren dit blikje met Rotterdamse gezichten met een groen lint en een bijpassende groene sleutelhanger in een net cellofaan zakje.
In stock
Ships the next working day
Delivery within the Netherlands for just € 6.95!
Deliveries to destinations outside the EU are tax-free
30 day return warranty
All prices shown include sales tax

Een mooi groot stroopwafel blik, gevuld met lekkere stroopwafels en versierd met typisch Rotterdamse gezichten. Wat is er nu leuker of lekkerder dan een lekkere stroopwafel te nuttigen met nieuwe vriend(in) of relatie? Stroopwafels smaken perfect met een kopje koffie of thee.

Oorspronkelijk een 19e-eeuwse lekkernij uit Gouda zijn de Nederlandse stroopwafels nu internationaal populair. Door hun zacht, zoete en stroperige smaak omringt met krokante wafels, zijn stroopwafels een perfect welkom cadeau. Deze mooie blikjes zijn heel geschikt om als klein cadeautje weg te geven als relatiegeschenk bij een congres of een presentatie. Alle blikjes worden door ons pas op het moment van bestelling voor u verpakt en versierd, hierdoor heeft u altijd verse stroopwafels. De stroopwafels zelf zijn lang houdbaar.

Het stroopwafel blikje heeft een diameter van 10 centimeter. Heeft u een cadeau of geschenk nodig voor een grote groep? Geen probleem, want wij kunnen snel leveren.

De blikjes kunnen door hun bedrukte patroon niet goed worden voorzien van een logo. Een alternatief is om een sticker met bijvoorbeeld een logo van een organisatie op het blikje te plakken.

Inhoud: Rotterdam blikje met stroopwafels Een sleutelhanger met groen houten klompje Een luxe groen lintje Een cellofaan zakje

How are Holland Winkel products shipped?
Our products are securely packed and delivered worldwide by PostNL. As soon as the package leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email with a track & trace code. This way you can easily keep track of when your package is delivered.
When will I receive my order?
As soon as your order leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email confirming that the package is on its way. In this email you will find the tracking number with which you can track the package and see exactly when it will be delivered.
Do I receive all my products at once?
We ship almost all orders at once. If you have ordered products with a delivery time of up to 3 working days, we will ship your package as soon as everything is in house.
Can my order be sent to another address?
Yes! In the ordering process you can enter an alternative delivery address by ticking the box "send to another address" in the last step of the ordering process. Here you can enter the address details of the lucky recipient. The shipping costs will be adjusted automatically if necessary.
Where can I see the status of my package?
As soon as we have received your order, we will start working on it as soon as possible. When the order leaves our warehouse, you will receive an email confirming that the package is on its way. In this email you will find the tracking number with which you can track the package. You can then see exactly when the package will be delivered.
What are the shipping costs?

We ship our products worldwide. Within the Netherlands, the shipping costs are E 6.50 for a package, or E 4.50 if it fits in a letterbox box.

For all other countries we send it as a package. The rates can be found on our shipping page . We do not charge VAT on products for shipments outside the EU.

Do you also ship worldwide?

Yes! We ship our products worldwide as a registered package. The rates can be found on our shipping page . We do not charge VAT on products for shipments outside the EU.

Do I have to pay return costs?
You only pay the shipping costs for returning the package. If you return a product, because there is unexpectedly something wrong with it, the shipping costs for the return shipment are of course for De Holland Winkel. Always let us know (preferably by e-mail: if you return something to us).
Will I get a refund on my return?
When the product has been properly returned by us, the purchase amount will be refunded to the account with which the purchase was made. The amount will be refunded within 14 days after receipt of the return package.
Will I receive the return shipping costs?
If you return a product, because there is unexpectedly something wrong with it, the shipping costs for the return shipment are of course for De Holland Winkel. In all other cases you pay the return costs for the package. We cannot accept packages that are insufficiently stamped or are issued without a return number.
What should I do if my products have arrived damaged?
Oh no, how annoying! We do our best to ensure that all our products arrive safely. If this is not successful, please send an email to with your details, order number and photos of the product and packaging. We will then ensure that you receive a new product free of charge and as quickly as possible.
I received the wrong item!
Our apologies! We will solve this for you as soon as possible. Send an email to with your details and the order number and we will ensure that the right products come your way as quickly as possible.
Contact Us
Question, remark or special requests? You can call us during office hours Monday till Friday between 09:00 & 17:00 (CET)

Tel: +31-299-406060